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Re: Electricity=water
On Tue, 2 May 1995, Rolf Mair wrote:
> Don't mix the two!!! What I mean is electrical thoughts and ideas are
> very similar to the properties of water. You are right about elect.
> looking for the path of least resistance. Water is the same way. But, if
> you try and pour too much water down a given path, it finds alternate
> routes in addition to the main route. Electricity is the same. Pour too
> much voltage across a tri-electrode plug, and it could spark in two
> locations.
> r.mair
Thats very true.. (I have the scars to prove it... :) But is it possible
to get enough energy out of an ingition system to do that with a spark
plug? I dont see why not. I would guess that would be absolute hell on
the plug, and their life would be really short. Good point tho.
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Bob D'Amato |Information and Technology Center
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