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Re: '88 '89 5000CSTQ/200Q Hard starting'86..'

> > My '86 5KCSTQ takes a good 10 seconds of turning over to start when 
> > it has sat overnight.  After warming up, it fires up after just a 
> > second or so.  Maybe we should modify the theory to exclude '86 
> > Quattro's?  <grin>
> > 
> > | - Mike White                    |  
> > | <mike.white@.law.utah.edu>      |  
> > | <mwhite@eng.utah.edu>           |
> Mike, 
> \do you mean INCLUDE ?

I think the theory in original message was that '86 was a year that 
the 5000's all started w/o problems.  Thus we would want to exclude 
the Quatto's from that theory!  :)

> My '86 takes 10 seconds after it has sat for more than 6 or 8 
> hours, so that means it probably is'nt a vacuum leak, right ?
> If I start it within an hour of shutting it off, it fires right up.

Good to know I am not alone.  But I just fear for all those engine 
parts as it cranks and cranks and cranks with no oil.  I had 
synthetic put in last time, but I've noticed no difference.  Maybe it 
is just psycologically lubricating?!?

| - Mike White                    |  
| <mike.white@.law.utah.edu>      |  
| <mwhite@eng.utah.edu>           |