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Birth Announcment!!!!

>From Mike LaRosa,

Little Kristen Elizabeth weighs 7lbs 4 ounces, is 19 1/2 inches long, she
was born May 3rd, wednesday at 9:54am.  She has Dark hair and long legs
like dad.  Hopefully she has Karen's good looks and smarts when she grows 

Oh and how is this related to Audi's ?  Well she'll be getting her first car
ride in Mom's New to us 89 100 Wagon :-) 


Michael (Now the happiest Dad around! :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-))
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 |  _________/ / __________  |     I N   N   CCC  A       A SSSS  EEEEE SSSS
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 |  ___________/ / ________  |     ENGINEERING North America
 |  ____________/ /          |
 |  _____________/   ******  |     Michael LaRosa
 |                  *******  |     EDA Technical Support Manager
 |  ***********************  |     Voice/Fax: 603-881-5392/603-881-5467 
  ---------------------------      E-Mail:    mlarosa@interserv.com