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*My turn to vent!
You're absolutlly right! With large chain stores like these, it really
depends on how the manager decides to run the store, and varies from location t
o location. Therfore, some are good and some are bad. If you don't know the p
articular location, you're better off not going to it.
Ther are a few NTW's in the Atlanta area that aren't great; they told my
friend he needed new struts on his Sterling 825S because they were seeping, wh
en that is a normal characteristic of Sterling struts. But, the NTW Buckhead l
ocation is excelent! They specialize in import cars and thier master technicia
n works there. They have great service and get the job done right, the first t
ime. They also have a nice selection of wheels there. BTW, the assistant mana
ger there has an '87 5000CS turbo quattro, so they know how to do quattros!
Last time I had my car in there for an alighnment and rotation, I didn't
make an appointment, I just went in. I had to wait a long time to get it done
because they had a BMW M3 up on the rack (where the alighnment machine was) an
d they were installing an Eibach suspension kit in it. They felt bad because I
had to wait around for so long, so they gave me half off the price. I was hap
py! I'll be back there again soon; my wheels need to be balanced.