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Re: Birth Announcment!!!!

On Fri, 5 May 1995, Andrew Shea wrote:

> Not as nice a a Merc Hammer but boy is this a nice car!"  This is a NINE
> year old kid comparing my 87 5000cstq to a Merc Hammer.  He liked it so


	A lot has to do with the kid's upbringing.  If his father is a 
good father, the lucky kid has all the car mags in the house, goes to 
races, and generally talks cars often in the home <VBG>  I am told that I 
picked out a 1/43 scale model of my father's '65 E-Type from a display 
rack of 100s when I was 1.5 years old.  My boy, Arie (good car name, eh?, 
also, his middle name is Lorenzo, after my grandfather, which can be 
shortened to 'Enzo) loves to stand behind the wheel of the Quattro, and 
turn the MOMO while going BRBRBRBBRpht.  Then, he'll twist the MOMO shift 
knob back and forth a few times.  He'll do this in any car, but likes 
manuals best (yes! He's learning well!)  I can work on the car for about 
two hours with him in the driver's seat, just playing with the controls!  
Great built-in babysitter!

Graydon D. Stuckey