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New message code
Seems most of the message lately have made a reference to 'usuall
disclaimer' stuff. How about a new code instead of having to write it
out? After all, we already use YMMV, TIA, IMHO and other
abbreviations. Lets see...
IUD Insert Usuall Disclaimer
UDH Usuall Disclaimer Here
NAWA Not Affiliated With Above
NMIIFM No Money In It For Me
NEBT Not Employed By Them
SUS Satisfied User Story
MOO My Opinion Only
Or, we could go the other way and identify all the commercial posts...
SMN Send Money Now
CCA Credit Card Accepted
ICM Internet Commercial Message
VOAP Vendor Of Above Product
TTMAR Take The Money And Run
Using any of the above codes would save time, reduce bandwith usage,
and cut down on the possibility of prolific writers developing carpel
tunnel syndrome... ;-)
Jerry Fields
Tounge-in-cheek stand against Politicaly Correct E-Mail. For those who
don't know me, this is a subtle attempt at humor. Now I'll go home and
put a new front muffler on my '87 5K CST. Cheers!