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Audi maual's (Bentley) in the UK

Somebody wanted to know , where to get Audi manual's from Bentley in
the UK.
I can recommend the following two  bookshops : ( Sorry I don't have
the new UK area codes )
1. Mill House Books 
PE22 8LS
Tel.: 020 584 377
Fax.: 020 584 551

2. Chaters Motoring Booksellers
 8 South Stret
 TW7 7BG
 Tel.: 081 568 9750
 Fax.: 081 569 8273 
They are also at Brands Hatch and Silverstone

Also the Quattro Owners Club should be worse a try.
I have the address of one of the organizers :

 David Preece
 Well Cottage,
 Longley Green , Suckley ,
 Worchester WR6 5DU
 Tel / Fax.: 0886 884475
 Mobile Phone: 0860 468813

I hope these information helps to locate these manuals.

      Hans-Juergen Schneider
      Internet: hschnei@ibm.net
      Germany , 200 Quattro