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RE: new lifters - still noisy

--------------------------- Begin X.400 Bodypart 1 --------------------------
  I bet the noise was a function of the oil filter
  you used when you installed the Syntec.....


YMMV, but, I used Castrol syntec 5w50 in my low mile (65K) GTI once. And
hated it. I found it to be much more 50 than 5.  The lifters (identical to
Audi's) normally rattle a tad, like less than 5 seconds, on startup.  I
found that with the Syntec they were rattling for 10 seconds and longer,
once almost a minute.  I changed back to Quaker State 10w30 and the lifters
went quiet again. I now have a grudge agains syntec, and Castrol in
 I've since changed to Mobil 1 10w30 synthetic with no problems.
Remember YMMV.


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