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Overheating Your Advice Please

  A couple of weeks ago I sought your advice on replacing my Cylinder 
  Head Gasket on my 1984 Audi 80 (4000) 5E Coupe. I have now done this and 
  replaced the Fan Thermoswitch only to discover that the new switch does 
  not close even when the coolant is boiling. I am seeking a replacement.
  My problem is that I am advised that I should either replace the engine
  or replace the car, as I am told that in a car whose engine has 
  overheated to the point that it will not restart, there is every 
  likelyhood that I will suffer major and possibly catastrophic engine
  damage within a few weeks.  Is this your experience and what is the
  best advice of group members. I would be very grateful for your advice.
  Thanking you kindly


    Arthur G. R. Sutherland	      |
    Electronics Teaching Laboratories |	Tel. Work +44 01904 432371
    Department of Electronics	      |	      Fax +44 01904 432335
    University of York		      |	     Home +44 01904 423463
    York 			      |	
    YO1 5DD			      |	Email agrs@ohm.york.ac.uk.
    United Kingdom		      |	   or ags3@unix.york.ac.uk

	        	I am not always right
	        	and though I am seldom wrong
		        degrees of error are relative.
