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Re: Speaking of horrific prices...
Hi Chris,
What kind of car do you have? Do you have a Turbo or V8? The coil for my
85' 5000s is under $50 from a local parts store, it's a genuine Bosch
I know the coil of the Turbo is different and they are probably expensive.
I have't seen the one on the V8 but I presume they are different and
very expensive too.
> From quattro-owner@coimbra.ans.net Mon Jul 10 14:04:56 1995
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> Date: Mon, 10 Jul 1995 15:35:54 -0500
> To: quattro@coimbra.ans.net
> From: cmice@mfg.mke.ab.com (Christopher Ice)
> Subject: Speaking of horrific prices...
> Sender: quattro-owner@coimbra.ans.net
> Status: R
> Has anyone priced out an ignition coil lately? I'm used to replacing coils
> as a maintenance item...but not for $225 I'm not!!!
> Anyone know what the story is on these things and perhaps alternate sources
> or repair methods? Not that anything is overtly wrong...but again, I'm
> used to replacing them as part of scheduled maintenance (ie. every 40K or
> so). How long do these things last? And do they operate near 100% over
> their life?
> Chris
> --
> --------
> +------------------------------| _ /| |------------------------------+
> | Chris Ice, Software Engineer | \`o_O' | Allen-Bradley Company |
> | E-mail: CMIce@mke.AB.com | ( ) | 1201 S. Second St. |
> | Voice: 414.382.2136 | U | Milwaukee, WI 53204 USA |
> +------------------------------| Ack! |------------------------------+
> My opinions do not reflect -------- the views of my employer.