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Re: more on '87 TQW idle problem?
Earlier, glen.powell@smc.com wrote:
> Yes, with the stabilizer still installed but electrically disconnected
> the idle is still high and surging. I wonder if it might still be
> possible for it to be an O2 or other sensor problem, because
> it is still possible that the CPU might be diddling the timing to
> try to control the idle, or diddling the mixture, etc. I have found
> that I can hold the idle steady by letting the clutch drag, or by
> eliminating the stabilizer and plugging the hoses and manually
> controlling the throttle, a rock-steady 800 or 900 RPM is possible.
> With the stabilizer installed and connected or disconnected
> electrically, it is impossible to hold the idle steady with the
> throttle.
Glen -
The seat in the stabilizer is almost certainly worn to where it
won't seal air. Thus, it allows varying amounts of air to leak
past, making your idle high and all over the place.
I had this exact same problem.
Try plugging the stabilizer solid with something and see if the problem
goes away. DON'T use RTV silicon rubber, because that will poison the
O2 sensor - then it won't work either ... again, I screwed up and did this
I recently bought an aftermarket stabilizer, paid $139 for it ... and
when it arrived, it's marked "Made in Russia"! Seems to work OK
all the same.
This was mail ordered from:
Recycled Bugs
2300 N. Opdyke Rd.
Auburn Hills, Mi 48326
(810) 373-2315
Wish ya luck!
I also replaced the O2 sensor with one of those fits-all models,
and only paid about $70 for it :-)
Charlie Smith charlie@elektro.cmhnet.org 614-471-1418
Columbus, Ohio USA
4 wheeled fleet: 2 wheeled fleet:
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86 5kCSTQ 92 Ducati 851SP 851cc
69 Porsche 911S 3,200cc 95 BMW R100-RT 1,000cc
81 VW Diesel Pickup 62 BMW R27 250cc