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A/C programmer prices?
I tried the recently posted solder fix on the center (of 3) relays on
my '87 5K CS T and it didn't help...must be a bad relay. No evidence
of oil in the lines, at least on the conector body and pins. So, the
question of the moment: Has anyone found a good price recently on a
replacement/used/rebuilt programmer? Or does anyone have a semi-dead
unit they would be willing to part out?
Also saw some discussion that these relays were Delco parts...can
anyone confirm this, and if so, what years/models I might look for.
Also, it appears my motor has bad teeth in one of the gears...it keeps
'clicking' at ends of travel. I can push on the lever arm to make it
In the mean time, I'm going for the aquarium piping fix to get air out
my dash vents...
Any help would be appreciated.
Jerry Fields
"Coldest Windshield in Wisconsin"