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RE: Strut replacement time

I have recently switched  to Boge Progas on my fwd 90 (1988) .  The car
is more tossable now with the most notable improvement
being high speed stability.  The ride  is a little choppy especially
when lightly loaded.  Overall if handling is important to you this is not a 
bad compromise....

Good luck,

> From: Bob D'Amato
> To: Audi Newsgroup
> Subject: Strut replacement time
> Date: Monday, July 17, 1995 12:00PM
> What struts are recommended for my 90 20V, for spirited driving without
> losing ride comfort? I would like adjustables (EXTERNALLY!!!) if
> possible. Are the ones for the 20V the same as for the 10V? What are your
> experiences...?
> THanks!
> Bob
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