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Re: Strategy for 1 bad tire

  Hairy green cats made  Lynn Smith say:

>Due to ignored bad front strut and alignment,
>I've got 1 unusable tire.  The other 3 have good tread (less than 20K
>miles) and no signs of uneven wear.

  I mixed tyres on the rear (both age and manufacturer) but mine's not
  a quattro.

  What sort of spare do you have? If it's one of those horrible compact
  things that I've got, you might think about buying a full size wheel
  and putting your third good tyre on it as a spare. Then buy two new
  tyres for the front. (Hey, it's somone else's money I'm spending here...)

  You should be able to find a replacement steel wheel fairly easily, 
  though you might need shorter wheel bolts for it.

Alasdair Mackintosh                                 Shape Data, EDS Unigraphics
mackinto@ug.eds.com                                   Parker's House, Regent St
+44 1223 371608                                         Cambridge, CB2 1DP, U.K.