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Re: future of 20V. five
Ok, hi Peter and Dave (the Alfa owners who replied to me)
>i own an audi as well as an alfa (and some other stuff as well), so i'm qualified to say this...
>it's completely unfair to generalize that alfas are unreliable,
OK OK OK... Sorry, but you two ARE the first people I
have met or talked to that had something good to say about
an Alfa. I know several Alfa owners and none of them has
had a great deal of luck with their cars, but they still
like them -and continue to buy them. I actually like the
looks of the Alfa's -I tend to like Italian and German
styling in general, so it's not like I'm ANTI-ALFA 100%.
If you like you Alfa and are happy with it, that's
great... but there are others out there that don't exactly
share the same enthusiasm. ;) I own what I consider to
be one of the worst mechanical mistakes on the planet (an
'86 Merkur XR4ti), but I keep the car simply because I
like the way it looks and it is a fun car to drive (when
it is running good ;)
especially when compared to audis. both
marques have had poor
>reputations in this area, and have made great improvements since
then as well - you'd not like it if someone equated your current
>audi with an old 100LS, would you? and no matter how much meddling
FIAT manages to do to alfa, any car bearing that badge has more
>soul and excitement in one of its lugnuts than just about any audi
WELL... that I disagree with - more soul in one lugnut? WOW.. how
did they get it all in there? ;) I guess that IS your opinion
(which you are entitled to), but to me, an Audi has SOUL too. Both
Alfa's and Audi's have a rich heritage behind them.
The bottom line, if you like Alfa's thats just fine by me. If you
prefer your Alfa over an Audi, that is also fine. I wasn't really
trying to put down the Alfa owners out there, I was simply
expressing my opinion and experiences... enjoy your Alfa and your