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Re: Motor dropping ......

Our Brother Linus gives me the prefect chance to apologize for the "bonus" n I 
included in has name last time...

> >Yawohl!  But the (944 and ) 951 (turbo 944) is a "whole nother" beastie.
> >Heads are the same as one bank of the 928, and it uses dual counter-rotating
> >balance shafts (Mitsubishi patent, alas...).  Unlike the 924, which is
> *Audi* 
> >engine/tranny, designed and built in Nekarsulm (*Audi*), the 944
> >engine/tranny is all Porsche.  The later 924S is a 944 without the fender
> flares
> So the real question is, how easy will the 944 or 951 motor bolt up to the
> Audi bellhousing?  Imagine--a 2.5L 4cyl w/ 150--158, 217-250 in turbo form.
>  And the non-turbo S2 motor--3L 4cyl w/ 208hp!  Are we talking trivial, or
> major reconstructive surgery?

My recollection of Jim Pasha's comments indicated that it was a simple matter 
*because* the 944/951 *will* bolt directly to the Audi bellhousing.

Then again, you were there, so you know that I have a good excuse if my memory 
is doing it's *usual* number on me...


(yer Kindly ol' Unka) Bart

Frau Dora, 
(fond memory of a couple of little feline varmints in my heart)
'86 Indischrot Carrera Cabriolet, 
'87 Alpenweis Syncro.
Custodian, Porschephiles Phund