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Radio Adapters for Datsun Z & Audi

Here is the original post on the subject of adapter harnesses and 
radios.  I saved it since I have both cars referenced.

And to the estimable LToy, a fond wave - wearing my Cougar ring and 
my Alamo Bowl (Cougs 10, Baylor 3) T-shirt :-))))  (Don't forget to 
check out the big-size Cougar logo linked to my WWW page....!)

From: Neil Sakaitis <lmcnesa@lmc.ericsson.se>
Date: Wed, 7 Jun 1995 10:17:33 -0400
Subject: [all]  adding C.D., amps to your Z

Hi folks,

Since many people showed an interest for adding a C.D. player to their
factory system, or simply increasing the power to the factory speakers
with an add-on amp, or changing the head-unit and keeping the factory
system etc.., I decided to let you in on two items that may be of
interest. Sorry if it's long guys, but I wanted you to have all the
info from the adds. I am in no way associated with these companies.

1. AUDIOLINK POWER DRIVER PD-4 (Taken from Car Audio mag. June 1995)
   With AudioLink's PD-4 interface, you can install an aftermarket CD
player in the dash of vehicles such as the Nissan 300ZX in minutes
instead of hours. Simply unplug the factory harness and plug in the
CableLink along with the PowerDriver PD-4. Flip the switches on the
Power-Driver to match your installation, adjust the left and right
front and rear signal gains along with the equalization, and you're
done. Because it allows upgrading factory systems with built-in
amplification, the PD-4 may be used with Bose systems and for
head-unit replacements for Ford/JBL systems, Nissans, GM's, Hondas,
Acuras, Audis, Mercedes, and more. The PD-4 can also be used to add
aftermarket amplifiers and replace factory speakers with aftermarket
speakers. PowerDriver PD-4 is designed to be used with AudioLink's new
CableLink Harness for each type of car. Suggested retail price is $200

2. AUDIOCONTROL SYSTEM 90 (Taken from Auto Sound & Security mag. May 1995)

   Reality check here. You just bought a new car, you got it with a
decent CD player and it's good enoough for you. The only thing is you
want more power and you know the stock speakers will sound better with
some equalization. In comes AudioControl System 90 Model 50. It takes
high-level inputs from your stock deck and gives you 50 watts for each
of your four channels, plus eight bands of equalization for the front
and the rear. The four channels can also be bridged into 150 watts x 2
channels. For later upgrades, there's an adjustable subwoofer output,
in addition to a dual 2-way electronic crossover. The Model 50 also
comes with an authorized dealer installed 5 years, 45,000 albums or 2,
628,000 minute warranty, whichever comes first.

Hope these units will help in your quest for better sound in the Z's.

Montreal, Canada
1990 gold 300 ZX

Hope this helps all the Audi folks.

********** A Washington State Cougar in Aggieland (aTm) **********

Al Powell                           Voice:  409/845-2807
Ag Communications                   Fax:    409/862-1202
Texas A&M University                Email:  a-powell1@tamu.edu 
W3 page - http://agcomwww.tamu.edu/agcom/rpe/alpage.htm

         "This is the silliest stuff that ever I heard..." 
            (Shakespeare, A Midsummer Night's Dream)