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Re: Engine temp (was: all sorts of subje

>         I can accept that the German's design penchant for locating oil
>         temp (etc.) guages below big-toe level is some strange cultural
>         moral esthetic folderol (and thus not "wrong", just, um, German).
>         But regulating the coolant temperature coming out of the radiator
>         rather than coming out of the head (the *HOT* and *SENSITIVE*
>         part of the engine) is just plain *WRONG*.

Although it's been several years and my memory isn't what it used to be (or
so I recall...), I seem to remember early BMW 1600s (I forget exactly which
model) used a thermostat that was mounted in the upper radiator hose ... if
you can find one, this might be an easy solution to this problem.

                /| | | |\  |   |\  | | |\  |  AudiDudi@delphi.com
               /-| | | | | | = | | | | | | |  Jeffrey Goggin
              /  | |_| |/  |   |/  |_| |/  |  Scottsdale, Arizona