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For Paul Rivera

Subject: Returned mail: Host unknown (Name server: rivera.rivera.com: 
host not found)

From: vicarage@ix.netcom.com (Anthony Parkinson)
Subject: Re: ABT
To: Paul Rivera <rivera@rivera.rivera.com>

Thanks much paul..
 I have faxed my German Agent in Ulm to work on it tomorrow morning and 

I will follow up in the next 48 hrs..
I should have some news soon...
thanks again
Vicarage Jaguar                 for more information:
UK, Holland       http://paradise.net/vicarage   tel 305 444 8759
USA              e-mail vicarage@ix.netcom.com    fax 305 443 6443

Vicarage Jaguar                 for more information:
UK, Holland       http://paradise.net/vicarage   tel 305 444 8759
USA              e-mail vicarage@ix.netcom.com    fax 305 443 6443