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>From dans@ans.net  Wed Aug 16 17:47:55 1995
Received: from lbl.gov (lbl.gov []) by coimbra.ans.net (8.6.11/8.6.10) with SMTP id RAA02052 for <quattro@coimbra.ans.net>; Wed, 16 Aug 1995 17:47:52 -0400
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Date: 16 Aug 1995 14:44:25 U
From: "Peter Fraser" <Peter_Fraser@macmail.lbl.gov>
Subject: It happened - i'm gone!
To: "Herb's Son (like in shoes)" <BOBBITY@aol.com>, 78-l@cornell.edu,
        "All Girl Band vet" <punty@aol.com>,
        "Anne Scanlan-Rohrer" <AnneSR@smtp4.aw.com>,
        "audi list" <quattro@coimbra.ans.net>,
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        "Connie Kleinjans" <connie@interserve.com>,
        "Connie_Kleinjans" <Connie_Kleinjans@novell.com>,
        "Dan Reed" <wireed@cello.gina.calstate.edu>,
        "Dave White" <dbwhite@uncecs.edu>, DISASU@delphi.com,
        "Eliot Lim" <eliot@u.washington.edu>, "george" <george@nccu.edu>,
        Gilchrist@dockmaster.ncsc.mil, GraceKam@aol.com,
        "gussss" <aschoen-rene@macromedia.com>,
        "italian cars" <italian-cars@balltown.cma.com>,
        "James Finch" <JFINCH@novell.ur.utk.edu>, JBergez@aol.com,
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        "kelly donahue" <kellyd@aimnet.com>,
        "Ken Sumikawa" <ksumikaw@uop.cs.uop.edu>, "kevkev" <kgowen@efn.org>,
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        "MVW at plant" <MVW1%NECSEG%DCPP@bangate.pge.com>,
        "Nancy" <gonza004@maroon.tc.umn.edu>,
        "Buck Koonce OffPres" <buck_koonce@laobridge.ucop.edu>,
        "Philip G. Williams" <ntlf@ux5.lbl.gov>, rfrederi@ednet1.osl.or.gov,
        "Rick" <terrylee@alpha.pr1.k12.co.us>,
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To: "Dick Dicely" <Dick_Dicely@macmail.lbl.gov>,
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              Memo from Peter Fraser                Ext. 6517
        Subject: It happened - i'm gone!               8/15/95    12:22 PM

Hi -

Well, as expected, I just got word that due to budgetary cutbacks by our wonderful republican congress...

I'm being laid off, effective immediately.

This account will probably be terminated by the end of the day.  If you would like to keep in touch, here is my home phone number:


We've signed up for a home internet connection.  The e-mail address is:


Now, this departure isn't necessarily bad news, so don't worry about us - we'll get by.  For one thing, this wasn't a place where i
would ever get rich - maybe it'll be good to get back into a world where they have things like xmas bonuses...

ok folks - please keep in touch!

best regards,

Peter Fraser

Dan Simoes			          dans@ans.net
ANS CO+RE Systems, Inc.		  http://coimbra.ans.net/dans.html
100 Clearbrook Road  			(914) 789-5378 (voice)
Elmsford, NY 10523			(914) 789-5310 (fax)