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Mechanics List Input

Precision Motorsport
Redondo Beach
Hermosa Beach CA
Recommended by Peter Jubb
Run By Bob Hoffman (RS2 Owner)
Decades of Audi Experience, $40 / Hour
Said to work hard to save you $$.

Rusnak Porche/Audi/Jag/etc.
Colorado Boul.
Pasadena CA
Typical Dealer
Not Very Friendly or Helpful, 
but plenty expensive.  Unlike
some others they DON'T break
more than they fix.

European Car Specialists
1076 E. Walnut
Pasadena CA

I have had variable experience with them
The senior guys are good, but often not
working on YOUR car.  They have some
cheap labor that broke my TQC several
years ago.  The car is still recovering 
from it's last trip there.  Be careful,
and make sure the guy who will wrench
your car is OVER 50 years old.