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Re: SS brake lines & Watch out Bart...
> [discourse on skipping Econ 504 and GPR selling SS lines for $45/set
> but costing $20/set and GM lines costing $10/set deleted]
Just so we don't miss a few costs in the make or buy decision here:
our typical DIY sources probably lease small, inexpensive real estate, have a
similarly small payroll (and benefit & pension) costs; computer systems
(accounting & manufacturing), are likely based on a mini or even micro
computers, and legalities are "handled" with a disclaimer that some equipment
is for off-highway use only.
GM, or Audi, or any other BIG organization (like the one I work for or my
client) otoh, pays an army of people and their benefits, significant capital
assets that depreciate, develop major systems in accounting and
manufacturing, has different groups trying to justify their existence by
making a "profit" on parts "sold" to internal customers, tries to comply with
constantly changing rules and regulations (add your favorite) ... Somehow, I
don't imagine our typical DIY source could put together an exciting,
roadworthy, legal vehicle at a price any of us would want to pay.
Once we add all this in, (don't forget to pay the accountants figuring this
out!), well...I believe some members on this list could explain overhead cost
allocations and transfer pricing issues better than I.
> Best flame I've seen in this group in awhile Eric!
This whole place has gotten quite warm! As to whose Nomex is missing more
layers right now, well ... I've got an opinion ... I think I'll keep it mine
... for now. to paraphrase someone's comment on the art of flames, do you
know if your Nomex is still there?