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Re: 90 20V Chips....hmmmm
On Fri, 18 Aug 1995, Jef Johnstone wrote:
> I talk with Ned (IA) a while back and he felt that the chips available for the
> 90 20V are a waste of $$$$....Ned? any comment? I trust his word over any "Chip
> Salesman" any day. But, also talked to someone on the list who installed one in
> his CQ (for about $250) and felt it was worth the investment(forgot the
> name)...better throttle response, etc.....so, go figure.
> If possible, lets get all us 90 20V owners togather and see about making some
> kind of "Bulk" purchase. Sounds like a fair amount of people are interested so
> should be worth the effort. What ya'think? yes? no? ????
I would say yes, ***IF*** and only if I can get some hard facts from the
manufacturer. Over the phone saying "Oh sure, you'll feel the
difference..." isnt good enough for my hard earned money!! If they can
supply a data sheet with numbers,and what it actually does, AND a money back
guarentee, then yes, till then, Im a little too skeptical!
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