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Re: A6 new hidden antenna

On Sun, 20 Aug 1995, Minven Wang wrote:

> Hi, folks:  
> >From a recent HongKong Auto Magazine, there is an article about the new A6.
> It gave a good remark about the car and mentioned that the A6 has a hidden
> antenna.  Having suffered some problem from my Audi's motorilized antenna
> I find this feature interesting, but can help wondering how it is done.  I
> saw one BMW yesterday which also seems does not have an antenna.  Anyone
> knows more about it?

If they do it like they used to do it, (aka my 20V) they have the wire in 
the front windscreen, and use part of the rear defogger array for am. It 
actually works remarkably well. I get stations in New Haven (CT) with 
this car that I couldnt with my 4000. Im sure electronics have a lot to 
do with that as well. The stereo that came with the 4000 was this 
***AWFUL*** blaupunkt. Im sure a better head unit would have helped.


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