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EPA...an apology...

>I've yet to understand WHY the EPA are such nazi's?

I have received a complaint about my use of the term 'nazi', in the above
context, as being unnecessary and extreme.  While my word choice was
intentional, it may reflect a lack of sensitivity to those impacted by the
tragedy of the Holocaust.

While I did not intend to liken the EPA's actions to that of the Holocaust,
I meant to emphasize the danger of un-checked power and hidden-agendas.
Perhaps the witch-hunts of Senator MacCarthy is a better analogy.

If I may, I would like to clarify the dangers I see and perhaps give you a
better insight into why I'm so upset...

RFG was quietly introduced into many areas of S.E. Wisconsin despite
reports of adverse health effects in other states.  When challenged, the
EPA was unable to provide sufficient documentation that it had researched
these reports and found the reported risks acceptable.  The EPA was forced
to repeal the RFG mandate temporarily (*after* RFG had been in use for
several months and many had reported health problems shortly after its
introduction).  While it is difficult to separate ACTUAL medical effects
from psychological influence...the EPA showed little regard for human
safety and portrayed those who reported health effects as hypochondriacs.
Had they gone unchallenged, countless people could have become deathly-ill
or permanently injured with little or no recourse or accountability.

They've already threatened repair shops and individuals with STIFF fines
for "tampering."  They've set up check-points that all cars *must* pass
through periodically to get their papers.  Now they are toying with putting
the OBDC boxes into new cars.  Now they'll have evidence against those
found in "violation of federal law."  Extreme?  Perhaps.  But who will tell
me it can't happen?  Should we just take *their* word for it?  How far will
it go?  And what can we do, if anything, to stop it?

In closing, please accept my sincerest apology if anyone has been offended
by my previous message.  I will try to restrict such future posts to the
appropriate forum.  Perhaps I'm just a little fed up with the barrage of
government regulation that restricts our freedom every day....and needed to
vent a bit.  Sorry you guys had to bear the brunt of it.


   +------------------------------| _   /| |------------------------------+
   | Chris Ice, Software Engineer | \`o_O' | Allen-Bradley Company        |
   | E-mail: CMIce@mke.AB.com     |   ( )  | 1201 S. Second St.           |
   | Voice:  414.382.2136         |    U   | Milwaukee, WI 53204 USA      |
   +------------------------------|  Ack!  |------------------------------+
       My opinions do not reflect  --------  the views of my employer.