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Re: nada blue book online?

I found a guy who had an 87 Q in the paper 'for parts' 
put a clutch in it & some brake work.
paid $600
> >
> >Michael. Now you know no one ever actually buys the blue book. Everyone
> >just goes to their favorite newstand and browses for the relevant info and
> >then puts the then heavily fingerprinted book back on the rack.
> >
> >
> >>Oooohhhhh, I'd love that!!!  But somehow I don't think so.  Why would
> >>someone pay $10.- for the book if it was then online ?
> >>
> >>Mike L,
> >
> >Ernest Wong
> >esw5@cornell.edu
> >
> Guilty....... although when I go shopping for a car I end up buying the
> book because I never limit myself to one year or model.  I usually go
> for the one in the best condition.
> When I bought the 89 100 Sedan, I was looking for a Saab 9000 Turbo, but
> I couldn't find one in mint shape.  Saw the mint 100 and snapped it up.
> For the 89 100 Wagon,  My wife wanted that elusive Saab 9000 Turbo 
> again... still couldn't find one......
> Mike L,
> P.S. Now that I have 2 Audis, I've limited the models I look
>      at to only audis :-)

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