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Re: AC compress - 'over reved'?
On Fri, 25 Aug 1995 bellis@ensr.com wrote:
> I was reading some of the traffic about the AC compressor, and how it
> shuts off ~3500 rpm or so, with some sort of time delay. Then, as I was
> driving home, I realized that I commonly spun it up to 4k + rpm, and many
> times 5k-6k rpms when I downshifted. I could hear my compresser whine as I
> did this - is this a Bad Thing? I would imagine it would be, but I wasn't
> sure. It Will kick off if I start below 3000 rpm then WOT to whatever, but
> not when I am in neutral pushing the revs up to then next lowest gear.
I thought of the same thing. I am constantly between 4k and 4.5K (I would
appreciate it if nobody did the math to convert to mph! :)
I heard the same thing, that they dont last if pushed past 3500, but I
never heard of them shutting down. Mine has been hanging in there for
quite some time now, so I dont beleive any of it. My old 4000Q which was
geared lower whined faster and that one lasted 300K.
What does that tell you?
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