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87 5KCSTQ Hard Starting/Idling

Well, I've got my car legally on the road.   The car ran great except for 
two things.

Lately I've been having idling problems with this car.  I cleaned out the 
idle stabilization valve several times and now the car starts up and 
idles properly - except if the car has been running on the highway for 
awhile.  When the car gets hot - the engine starts to idle at around 2500 
rpm.  If I engage the clutch I can get the revs to drop back down to 
about 1000.  Is it possible the airflow sensor isn't setting properly?

Secondly, after driving on the highway for 3 hours we took about a 45 minute
break. Went to start the car and it took about a minute worth of tries to get
it started (I was afraid it wouldn't start at all) - it almost seemed like it
was flooded, when it did catch it ran rough for about 30 seconds.  Could the
cold start valve be injecting fuel when it shouldn't?  It starts first 
try when its cold.

Other than these problems the car ran superb.  My wife's uncle (a 
mechanic) gave it the once-over and everthing else is in great shape.  
Although, with this car I really need to get a radar detector - on the 
highway this car really wants to go!

-Rob Silcher