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No! Password!

I have had a bunch of requests for the helplist password from people who 
are not members. I have been gracefully turning them down, saying its for 
members only. What is stopping from them from becoming members, getting 
password then unsubscribing.  
Should I limit the password to onyl people who enter info? Seems kind of 
unfair to the rest of us. 
Suggestions please!


  ___       __     ___  ___              __     
  / _ )___  / /    / _ \/ _ | __ _  ___ _/ /____ 
 / _  / _ \/ _ \  / // / __ |/  ' \/ _ `/ __/ _ \
/____/\___/_.__/ /____/_/ |_/_/_/_/\_,_/\__/\___/
bob.damato@starfleet.itc.snetlink.com  	          |Phone:203.771.7081
						  |Fax:  203.773.3398
The Southern New England Telephone Co.		  |Pager: Yeah, Right...
300 George St. New Haven, CT 06510
Information & Technology Center 

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