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Re: No fuel pressure after shut down

> The car is an '87 5KCSTQ with 168k miles. First of all I found a small 
> tear about 1/4 inch in the turbo to intercooler hose - good thing I found 
> it since thats a prime way to get crap into your engine. 

...you must not be using your turbo enough.  I view these tears as a way 
to keep crap out of the engine <VBG> ... sorry.
> More importantly I noticed there is no fuel pressure after I turn the car 
> off. I loosend the fuel pipe at the warm-up valve - no pressure.  Tried 
> the fuel filter - no pressure.  Removed the fuel filter and alot of crap 
> came out. I will change the filter tomorrow.
> I think perhaps the fuel accumulator isn't working or the fuel pump is 
> giving me problems. How can I test these components.  The car starts 
> great when its cold and starts fine if its hot and I start it within 15 
> minutes. Past 1/2 hour and its really really hard to start - takes about 
> 2 minutes.  Someone else mentioned it could be leaky fuel injectors buy
> the lack of pressure doesn't seem normal.
> Any ideas guys?  I don't mind searching the archives if someone has 
> encountered this before.
I've never had to deal directly with this problem, but my two guesses would
be the FPA as you suspect, and my second would be the check valve in the
fuel pump.  There is a chance that the injectors are leaking as well, and 
although I have not confirmed if the newer FI systems have this, but the
'78 Fox had a check valve in the fuel distributor as well.

Steve Buchholz