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Re: 4000 Q alternator

On Sep 1,  8:27am, Gregory C Mayer, Hydrologist, GW Spec, Atlanta, GA wrote:
> Subject: 4000 Q alternator
> Hello All,
> Driving my '84 4000 quattro home last night my OX, Coolant, battery, and
> brake lights all came on at once without any effect on driving/engine.  I
> suspect alternator problems.  The belt is still on.  Very busy weekend
> planned so I dropped it off at a new (to me) mechanic.  First thing he says
> is Yes it's the alternator and they are expensive, costing about $350.  I
> just called my parts place and they quote me a Bosch for $168!!

	Never had this happen on my Audi, but *exactly* the same thing
	happened to my '85 Volvo 740 Turbodiesel once. The problem was
	bad exciter diodes in the alternator: electronics-head that I
	am, I took it apart and put in new diodes.  Turned out to
	be quite a simple job, really.


Arun Rao
1001 W. Cutting Blvd.
Pt. Richmond, CA 94804