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Re: 4000 Q alternator

From: Jim Fease *** 3M Center 224-6N-03 *** Phone 736-3967
      IT-Finance Info Systems ** Maplewood, MN  55133-3224
In my '84 4KSQ, a bad cell in my battery screwed up the electrical
system. All the lights came on (no one was home) and the starter
wouldn't start the car, but once it was push-started it ran fine. That
may be a straw you can grasp if you need one...
By the way, can someone get back to me if you get this note? I can't
tell if I'm sending these to the right place.
Internet address: JMFEASE@MMM.COM
*** Reply to note of 09/01/95 11:48
To:         --         Gregory C Mayer, Hydrologist, GW Spec, A
            --         quattro
Subject: Re: 4000 Q alternator
Originating Internet address appears below:
From: "Arun Rao" <rao@frisbee.mmm.com>
On Sep 1,  8:27am, Gregory C Mayer, Hydrologist, GW Spec, Atlanta, GA wrote:
> Subject: 4000 Q alternator
> Hello All,
> Driving my '84 4000 quattro home last night my OX, Coolant, battery, and
> brake lights all came on at once without any effect on driving/engine.  I
> suspect alternator problems.  The belt is still on.  Very busy weekend
> planned so I dropped it off at a new (to me) mechanic.  First thing he says
> is Yes it's the alternator and they are expensive, costing about $350.  I
> just called my parts place and they quote me a Bosch for $168!!
	Never had this happen on my Audi, but *exactly* the same thing
	happened to my '85 Volvo 740 Turbodiesel once. The problem was
	bad exciter diodes in the alternator: electronics-head that I
	am, I took it apart and put in new diodes.  Turned out to
	be quite a simple job, really.
Arun Rao
1001 W. Cutting Blvd.
Pt. Richmond, CA 94804

Dan Simoes			          dans@ans.net
ANS CO+RE Systems, Inc.		  http://coimbra.ans.net/dans.html
100 Clearbrook Road  			(914) 789-5378 (voice)
Elmsford, NY 10523			(914) 789-5310 (fax)