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What's up with A8?

On 8 Sep 95 "Dave.eaton@minedu.govt.nz" mentioned the A8, 3.7 lite.

This variant was announced in the September issue of "Complete Car".  The 3.7
engine is a 230hp V8; transmission is 5-speed auto with fwd.  Price given
in the mag is "approx UK39,000".   Sunroof, cruise control, self-levelling
suspension, xenon lights, etc are extra.

The same mag also features news and photos of the A3 which is due to appear in
this country next year "for around UK13,500".  It is said that one engine option
"could be a VR5"; this seems to be a 2.4 litre 150 hp variant with two 
cylinders in one bank, three in the other.  

By the way, the magazine mentioned is very good.  It costs UK2.40 per issue on
bookstalls in Britain.   Annual sub is UK70 for airmail delivery outside
Europe.  For further information contact Perry-Motorpress, Compass House,
22 Redan Place, London W2 4SZ, fax 0171 221 7846 (add your own international
prefix).  In NZ the agents are Gordon & Gotch.  

I suspect that Dave works at the Ministry of Education offices, Wellington, 
and he may have seen copies of the mag in various shops in Lambton Quay or 

John G. Evans,
Consulting Engineer,