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Re: 1982 TQC Stats

Paul Timmerman wrote:
> Production Year  Model Year   USA Import   USA Import      Canada Import
>                               Number(1)     Number(2)       Number(2)
> 1982             1983         289           285             -
> 1983             1983         240           240             61
> 1984             1984          65            65             16
> 1985             1985          73            73             17
> 1986             1986           1             1              5
> ********
> I have a car not on this list.  I have a rare "C" VIN car licensed as
> an 1982, with and 11/81 build date.  I have found there are two others
> that I know of, but have no hard statistics on the total number of C's
> or who they went to.  I don't know the history of my car.  Can anyone 
> help me piece together what these cars were used for (press, test, etc)?

As you can actually see in the table above there were 285/289 "C" VIN (i.e. 
'82 production) cars imported into the US.  Notice that the table indicates 
that these cars are still considered "1983" model cars.  This is not that 
unusual an occurrence ... many manufacturuers introduce a new model late 
in the production year as "next year's" model.  

I used to have a problem with this too until Chuck Leiter straightened me 
out (he's got a "C" VIN QTC as well).

As far as getting some history on your car, I seem to recall an article in 
a recent issue of Quattro Quarterly (QCUSA Newsletter) that Audi may actu-
ally provide production/delivery info on early QTC's upon request.  You 
might want to look into this further ... I should do that too!  My car was 
built in 3/82 with a "D" VIN code ('83).

Steve Buchholz
San Jose, CA - USA