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Re: Lighted Keys

On Sun, 10 Sep 1995, Daniel Hussey wrote:

> Date: Sun, 10 Sep 95 14:59:56 EDT
> To: Randal Paquette <quattro@coimbra.ans.net>
> Subject: Lighted Keys
>             Randy,
>                 Are you sure it's the bulb.....it could be the battery too?  It
>  doesn't look easy to replace anything in it.  Most of the time you just have t
> o get a new key.  I bought a new lighted Audi key about two months ago.  It was
>  about $25.  That's not too bad.  I also think you can just get a new key top.
>  Well, that's what I did anyways.

I have bought and replaced both bulb and battery from Radio Shack in the past
and it worked fine. They took about a week to order both parts for me. 
