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re: Audi Sport mishap

On Wed, 13 Sep 1995 Scott=John=Mockry%Mktg%TM@banyan2.BV.TEK.COM wrote:

> Prime Sports Network (PSN) was showing the DTM back in Aug, but lately 
> I see no coverage.
> Can anyone in the U.S.A. shed some light on who (ESPN, ESPN-2, or 
> PSN?) is showing these races on TV these days?

I second that. If anyone has TV schedule on U.S. broadcasting of these 
thing, please do take a minite and enlightening us here in the U.S. by 
posting the schedule...

By the way, Scott, you sure got a wild e-mail address...

------------- clip here with virtual scissors --------------
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U.S.A. roadside attraction:
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