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Re: gas struts

--------------------------- Begin X.400 Bodypart 1 --------------------------
  Duh. Of course. However, the poster didn't say ANYTHING about GAS
  struts, besides, the gas in gas struts is to reduce foaming, not to
  the weight of the car.....although to some degree they do.....and this
  cause problems with springs and suspensions that are not designed
  for gas struts.....too high ride height......incorrect


  ========== On Thurs, 14 Sept 1995 - quattro-owner wrote: ==========
  To:       Glen Powell, quattro @ coimbra.ans.net at EXTERNAL@CCMAIL
  From:     quattro-owner @ coimbra.ans.net at EXTERNAL@CCMAIL
  Date:     09/14/95 12:42:00 PM
  Subject:   Re: Rear Suspension

--------------------------- Begin X.400 Bodypart 2 --------------------------
>  Bad shocks would not make it "hang low" on one side.
>  Shocks do not support any weight. I'd suspect a bad
>  spring.


Gas Shocks and Struts do support weight.  NJT


Eric Fletcher

STEADI RIC@aol.com

--------------------------- Begin X.400 Bodypart 3 --------------------------
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