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Re: Wet paint

On Fri, 15 Sep 1995, Christopher Ice wrote:

> If you insist on doing it yourself, I would suggest trying a buffer with
> some "polishing compound."  It's a very mild abrasive that will remove a
> fairly thin (ie a thousand'th or two) layer of paint.  Keep in mind that
> you MUST re-wax after you've done this....and be sure to go easy near seams
> and corners so you don't burn thru the paint.

CAUTION:::::: Be careful with this suggestion, although it may work, dont 
forget that it will take off the car's (original) paint as well. And if 
you are clear coated, thats another whole can of worms. Try to figure out 
if it is acrylic based, lacquer or water (latex). Most likely latex from 
a gallon of house paint or something. There are some mild solvents that 
will take it off without harming original paint, but you will have to re 
wax that part.  If you can scrape it off with a nail, it is most likely 
not lacquer or acrylic.

> However, your best bet is to take it to a body shop (or perhaps a
> professional detailer) and let them do it.  Probably not that
> expensive...and they're saddled with the liability of screwing up the paint
> job if something goes wrong.

This might be your best bet. If nothing else, they can tell you what it 
is, and possibly make a solvent suggestion or actually do it for you.


But I would avoid abrasives...

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