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Re: of interest - for sale

The list may find it interesting to note that quattros of
merit have been disappearing at an astounding rate.  This
isn't clean well maitained high mile examples.  These are 
the unique, the rare, the unussual.  The force behind it?
A millionare Mr B. in MN.  This according to Ned in WA.  So 
far Andretti's Pikes Peak car, the first US Sport Quattro, and
some eight other have gone into hiding.  Seems as if Audi
is about to bring suit agianst this Mr. B. from MN for
over-zealous appetite for Q's.  I know there was a fat cat 
in LA recently checking out a friends Q with a VERY fine tooth
comb and goig over to see a Sport Q owned by Frank, who lives
in LA and advertises Group B cars in AW (Archiero?). Well
so much for the Gossip Column :-)  Can anyone give me a 
description of Mr. B so I can verify ID with potential seller?

paul t-

>maybe this is bolivars or lira :-)
>> On 15 Sep 1995 glen.powell@smc.com wrote:
>> >   1983  TQC, wht/tan, <11k mi, 2nd own, xlnt org car
>> >   $19,500 US/OBO 614-798-1865  OH   AW 9-11-95
>> >