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Re: Repairs vs Fun?
>and no response from cadence braking
That is the WORST way to stop a car. Cadence braking set's up a
unfavorable weight transfer oscillation. First you load the front's,
then you unload them, then you load them but you have less availble
traction (Due to the weight transfer) so they wheels lock sooner, so you
get off the brakes ad nauseum.
ABS does this only faster so the weight transfer is smaller, Still not
the best way to stop quick.
The fast way to stop is by Threshold Braking where you keep the wheel at
the "Threshold" of lockup thereby working the tire at it's designed slip
angle where it can generate the most traction. How do you get to this
threshold you ask........
Well, at first it ain't easy. This will be a VERY frustrating excercise.
Find yourself a nice empty sealed asphalt parking lot. Sealed asphalt
will not chew up your tires as bad as something grippy. Get 10 one gal
PLASTIC milk jugs and fill them halfway up with water. Place them in a
line with 20 ft of seperation between each jug (200ft total). Now give
your self enough running room to get up to 40 mph and as your front tires
cross the imaginary line at the first jug get on the brakes and stop in
as short of a distance as possible. Now your looking for some clues to
recoginize evertime that your stopping, they will be:
1) The brake pedal will get hard when your tires are at slip when they
lock the pedal will soften slightly,
when this happens GENTLY lift one or two TOES not your leg until you get
traction back. When the wheel starts to roll again (Big audio clue
here.... it get quite again!) Gently add that slight pressure back to get
that wheel to threshold.
2) If it gets real loud or real smokey that a big clue that you've got it
wrong. What your looking for here is either a SLIGHT haze comming off of
the tires or "Big Audio Clue Here" the tires should sound like 20 grit
sandpaper on VERY soft pine..... a low grumble.
3) If the steering wheel get light all of the sudden you've locked a
wheel. The way the wheel turns will tell you which front locked. Snatch
to the right you locked the left and vice versa. The sterring wheel will
wiggle from side to side as each front fights for traction, this is a
sign that your nearing the threshold.
Work on this until it's second nature it WILL take a while to get it
right. But it's worth it in the long run. At Skip Barber we teach this
on the first day in combo with the downshift excercise and some guy's
still will not have it figured out at the end of three days.
Hope this helps!
Eric Fletcher
STEADI RIC@aol.com