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cam advancing -correction

In a former post I wrote and correct the following:
*  remove belt from Hydraulic pump

*  remove upper cam belt cover

*  set flywheel and cam/dist to TDC

*  slide cam belt off cam gear

*  move cam gear one tooth adv  with 19mm wrench on gear(that's >>>>CLOCKWISE
(not counter-as was original post)<<<<<<    looking toward the rear of car),
keep one hand on belt to maintain tension and ref one    tooth

*  slide belt back on cam gear

*  large channel locks on dist housing, turn dist to tdc mark 

*  install cam gear cover and HP belt

*  done - 15min total

Hope this helps

'87 5ktqRS2 stage VIII, IA stage II
'87 5ktqRS2 stage III

Sorry if someone other than myself got retarded over my last post....  <:~>

brainlessly apologetic