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Re: 4000q a winner -hmmmm

On Tue, 19 Sep 1995 STEADIRIC@aol.com wrote:

> He did'nt win at divisionals.......  The MX-6 Will beat the 4000Q it's 
> that simple.  1/2 second may not sound like a long time but it's 
> lightyears in a Auto-X.  I've seen national titles won buy .002sec 
> cumulitive over 2 days.  Now being in the same 1/10 that's something to 
> get excited over.  Remember in most auto-x's 1/2 sec is 1% of total time, 
> in racing that a lot.

I hear ya, Im no stranger to auto crossing, and .5 seconds is a long 
time. I think its great he came in second. I hafta agree though, doesnt 
seem fruitful to sink $$ into a 4K for nationals. It has too many things 
against it that other cars are more suited to. (like not mushy stock 
suspensions....) But after all, he wast AT the nationals!! :)

PS, I doubt **I** could come in 2nd if there were only 3 people running! 
I guess thats why it sounded so amazing to me.  I remember how tough it 
was to squeek out wins at Can-Am and formula atlantics.. and now Im 
learning (now that I have my Pro Rally license) that if we were .5 sec 
ahead of second place, we would be rich and famous!
Bruno look out!


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