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Altitude sensor\ Knock sensor (4000s 1.8l 86)
Greetings from snowy Colorado,
Just had our first snow of the season here in Boulder and my
neighborhood looks like a war zone with fallen trees and crushed cars.
Luckily the snow gods shined on me and crushed a BMW and a Toyota
truck across the street from where I was parked! I guess my heap
wasn't good enough for them ! Well looking through the Bently manual
it's not clear on the operation of the Altitude sensor and living at
6000ft I wonder if I have one or need one as it says it's an option.
My car pings a bit when changing gears and that also leads me to
another question, what's up with the dam knock sensor ! The car is
originally from the East so I guess it's spent most of its life at a
lower altitude.
Anyway keep up the good work and thanks for the entertaining posts.
I'm still at the getting stage at present but I hope to report back
on my new Yokos U+4's in a week or two and see how there doing in the
Colorado snow. I wish I had a quattro Sigh!
Richard Gann (1986 4000s 1.8l 152k)