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Re: 55 alive?

> The prospect of being able to drive at a reasonable speed (for an Audi)
> legally is positively exciting.  (See?  I worked some Audi content into
> this.  :-) )

Yeah, we still live with 55mph limit -- but who really adheres to that? 
Folks normally drive 65mph on the highways here anyway -- I don't see how 
that new law would change any. One way that you know a cop is riding with 
the traffic here on the highway is when you see cars driving bumper to 
bumper for about 1 mile with no traffic for miles ahead -- that probably 
a cop is at the head.

Not to challenge the intelligence level of these cops but... can't they 
get a clue that if that situation happening, it may be (just may be) that 
they are driving little bit too slow and that no one really follows the 
55mph rule??

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   the hill towards him, wearing sunglasses?
A. Nothing... he didn't recognise them.