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RE: '86 4kcsq: thunking noise from rear end

On 22 Sep 1995 Paul.Heneghan@bbc.co.uk wrote:

> >From: "Dan Cooke cooke@bng.ge.com" <COOKE@bng.ge.com>
> >. . .  Take foot of the accelerator to decelerate for 1 or 2 seconds.
> >Then when I reapply accelerator to previous position, a thunk
> >noise is evident from the rearend of car.  Where is all this slack or
> >rearend play comming from?
> This has happened on my 1984 Audi 80 quattro in the last month.  I 
> haven't yet put it up on ramps to check, but I am assuming a drive 
> joint, or maybe some wishbone/rear transmission rubber bushes.  If 
> anyone has any advice, I too would be very grateful

Torque side rear end bushing....


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