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Drive 55

> #5115: NMSL Repeal Passes Full House Committee
> 9/21/95
> Message from Stephen G Carrellas (sgc@hoqst1.att.com)
> Subject: NMSL Repeal Passes Full House Committee
> ==================
> An amendment to repeal the 55/65 national maximum speed limit is 
> now a part of the National Highway System (NHS) Act that will go 
> to the full Congress during the week of September 18!  The full
> Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure voted Friday morning 
> (9/8) and left the repeal amendment intact (by a 37-19 margin).
> As you might know, the U.S. Senate passed its version of a repeal 
> bill this past June.  The result of the repeal of 55/65 is to
> return control of setting maximum speed limits to the states.
> This is a great time to contact your representative in Congress
> (U.S. subscribers of TSN) and provide him or her input on how
> you would like them to vote when this bill comes up for vote
> within two weeks in the full House.  Your best bet is a letter
> that should be sent quickly.  The general address is:
> The Honorable...
> U.S. House of Representatives
> Washington, DC  20515
> If you need to find out who your representative is and want a
> phone and/or fax number, call the Capitol Operator at
> 202-224-3121.  Or you can access this information on the World
> Wide Web site of the National Motorists Association.  Use URL
> http://www.msn.fullfeed.com/nma/repeal.htm to go directly to
> the applicable page.  There is a *click here* link at the bottom 
> of this page to take you to a house gopher page with all the needed 
> contact information.
> ==================
> The Saab Network
> saab@network.mhs.compuserve.com
I am trying to get email addresses for all HOR