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Re: 55 alive?
> find that people who shouldn't be behind a wheel can't obtain a
> liscense, and those that are dangerous lose theirs after a
> relatively short time. Happened to a number of classmates. I
> also went to a High School of 800 students, and in 4 years we had
> not ONE drunk driving accident or fatality. It just isn't done.
> And that's in a country with no drinking age (well, they say it's
> sixteen.......)
Maybe if there were no drinking age here, kids wouldn't have to drink
in their cars.......on top of that, this is a country where driving is
the only means of transportation for most....I'm not saying that it's
right, but you can't compare 'over there' with 'over here'......everyone
drives here....that's not the case anywhere else (with the exception of
Canada, and they have all the same problem we do here, even though their
laws are 'stricter')....It's been proven time and time again that strict
laws don't fix anything, just make more money for those slobs we elect
to serve our better interest........We can 'fix' things here to make them
more like Germany......let's start by paying 5 bucks a gallon, so we can
get rid of half the people on the roads.....even better, let's charge every
person $2500 to get their license....that'll get rid of a few more......
on top of that, let's give the cops the right to revoke anyone's license
they want to.......that'll get rid of just about everyone else.....then
we'll finally get the Interstates lookin' like they did when the roads
were 1st built.......oh yeah, and how about getting all those caffiene
overdosed, half crazed/half drunk truck drivers off the road so they stop
killing innocent families........and what about the moose in Maine.....have
you ever seen what happens when a car slams into one of them??????.....Well,
it ain't pretty...........oh, and motorcycles!!! all those crotch rockets
screaming between lanes, weaving in and out........what about all these top
heavy sport utility vehicles wobbling around on the road, wreaking havoc
with all of us good people who have autos with commendable handling??????
Just get a 500CID '66 Caddy Conv. with a snow plow on the front.......
Mr Souza.......