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Re: audi 5000s

> I am a High school student in need of a car. And i really always liked 
> audis, of course i am in the market for an audi 5000 or 4000, which they 
> cost used in U.S. for about 2000$ average. But my father discourages me 
> not to think about buying this car, it has many problems like "anti 
> pullution", or something like that. I dont know much about cars, but i 
> always liked the audi that my Uncle had, and it did run well. I guess im 
> looking for a reliable car, with the slick looks of the audi. Can someone 
> help me with this?

Me thinks it's suppose to be "intended acceleration" not "anti 
pollution." Yes, they do sound kinda same. Although I think "anti 
pollution" would put Audi into must-haves of the decade. Wouldn't you say 
so? Let 60 Minutes to figure that one out!!

Try to get quattro and turbo -- they have better growth potential.

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