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Microfiche Reader-For Sale (fwd)

Thought someone might be able to use this...

| Dan |
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Path: swiss.ans.net!prodigy.com!usenet
From: YTSM46A@prodigy.com (Joseph Famularo jr)
Newsgroups: nj.forsale
Subject: Microfiche Reader-For Sale
Date: 24 Sep 1995 18:52:52 GMT
Organization: Prodigy Services Company  1-800-PRODIGY
Lines: 12
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Apparently-To: dans@coimbra.ans.net

SUBJECT: Microfiche Reader-For Sale 
Microfiche Reader Machine For Sale.NCR Model#4603-04 
Original instructions Included.
Used very little,like new condition.Dust cover included.
Cost over $200.00 new-Asking $100.00. Call 609-261-5571 or E-mail. Thanks.

Great Buy!!!

Dan Simoes			          dans@ans.net
ANS CO+RE Systems, Inc.		  http://coimbra.ans.net/dans.html
100 Clearbrook Road  			(914) 789-5378 (voice)
Elmsford, NY 10523			(914) 789-5310 (fax)