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> From: "C. Hinds" <chinds@post.cis.smu.edu>

> Well, I'm getting a small amount of smoke all the time, but I don't mind
> that amount (it's certainly acceptable and many cars much newer than mine 
> smoke more).  However, the turbo does seem to be dumping oil.  Another 
> clue might be the quart of oil a week I have to add to the car.  Please 
> note, however, that I also have a leaky sending unit, so I know that ALL 
> the oil is not leaking because of my Turbo.  However, if my Turbo is 
> dumping oil (which seems very logical to me), is there anything I can do 
> short of getting a new Turbo?  

1)  Pull the turbo and install a  rebuilt unit.  MUCH less expensive 
then a new one.
2)  Drive it until the turbo bearing finishes wearing out, THEN pull 
it and install a rebuilt.
3)  Have a dealer or good shop install a rebuilt based on (1) or (2).
4)  Spend megabucks having a new one put in, for no other apparent 
reason than you have more $$ than you know what to do with...

> If all else fails, can I easily disconnect 
> the Turbo and still expect the car to accelerate reasonably?

But seriously, what IS your question??????  If you want to know the 
difference, disconnect one or two spark plugs and try the acceleration.  
This is not really an option unless you're simply going to drive it 
until it dies....and let it feel like an '82 Plymouth Volare until 

********** A Washington State Cougar in Aggieland (aTm) **********

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